
Clever Discipline: Removing Resistance

I used to think that discipline was the equivalent of forcing yourself. You either forced yourself to do something that you didn't want to do. Or you forced yourself to not do something that you wanted to do. Either way there was force. And some unpleasantness.

The Longcut

In Japanese, there is a proverb. It goes: “If you are in a rush, take the long path”. It refers to the tendency of shortcuts to lead to problems. So I changed it to ‘longcut’. I have my own longcut for situations where you need discipline.


Resistance is the thing that necessitates discipline. It is the friction that opposes us and makes us work to get the goal.

For Example

I want to graduate but I don’t want to study. The “Don’t want to study” is the resistance that means I need discipline.

I want to have a buff body but I don’t want to go to the gym. The “don’t want to go to the gym” is the resistance that means I need discipline.

I want to have a good weight, but I don’t want to change my eating habits. The “Don’t want to change my eating habits” is the resistance that means I need discipline.

The Pattern

Can you see the pattern? The pattern is all the sources of resistance are the same: ME. I am the source of resistance. I am the obstacle standing between myself and my desired goal.

Wait a Minute!

Wait a minute! If I am the obstacle, why don’t I get out of my own way? Well, that is the longcut that I am talking about. I say longcut because it takes a long time. But like a longcut, it produces results. It is reliable. And like a good longcut, while it may be slower, it is also easier. (Have you ever noticed that shortcuts are either more difficult or more dangerous?).

So What is It?

The longcut that removes resistance is the scanning breath. By doing the scanning breath you are getting rid of emotional baggage. The wonderful thing about emotional baggage is that it is interconnected. This means it is tough and takes a long time to change. But once it starts changing it picks up momentum. Then change becomes faster and easier.

Emotional Baggage is the Source of Resistance

As you drop emotional baggage you will notice that doing difficult things becomes easier. It is easier to keep things clean. It is easier to do work. It is easier to study new things. A lot of the resistance that you felt before the scanning breath starts to melt away. You cannot stop being your own obstacle by force. It simply does not last. The resistance is still there tomorrow. On the other hand, with just two r three years of consistent practice at the scanning breath, you can find resistance melting away… for good. No waking up tomorrow to another hard day. Just get up and get on with things. It’s easy. And it’s painless.