
I like the Vue from Here

I just recently upgraded this site from laravel 4.2 to laravel 5.1. Not only is it great, but I also went exploring in laracasts by Jeffrey Way. He is awesome! And his vue videos were mostly free! Thanks a tonne Jeffrey.

I am already starting to use it on my todo app. It looks nice and it sure is easier than jquery let alone angularjs. I worked with Angularjs for a bit but the learning curve was quite steep and vs the payoff I did not think it was worth it for my needs.

So along come vue, and with my needs and wants in mind, this is much easier to learn and use, especially with Jeffrey’s help!

Incidentally, the move to Digital Ocean has been smooth and great for me so far. I am very happy with their product and will be shutting down my other servers soon.

Go check out vue and if you want a headstart, find it on laracasts!