
Merry Christmas

Well, just got back from a few days away in a hotspring - Shirahama in Wakayama for anyone who knows about a Japan hotsprings. It was a nice few days away from the computer. I feel rested and refreshed. I also just updated the photos for 2013 in my family album. I have them stored in Amazon s3. Nice thing there is that I can download the photos, change them and upload again without involving the photo album system.

So that is what I just did for the 2013 photos. I downloaded them, made them smaller - to 1024 X 1024 with a handy little program called simple image reducer - and straightened them - some were sideways. Then upload again (much faster cause they are smaller) and presto! they album is straight and faster to download!

I use the s3fox plugin for firefox so that uploading and downloading is totally painless.

My next problem is setting up the album so that I can upload more photos to s3, scan them with the system I made a while ago to get all the titles (urls),and load them to the database, making a new album, or adding to existing one. Should not be too hard.

after that, I need to work on routes for my next project, which is setting up ELW on phalcon. but more on that later.